Monday, July 26, 2010

crazy summer!

it has really been a crazy summer!  i guess it always is though, right?! Chris has been traveling to Texas and Arizona quite a bit for work and i've tagged along as much as i can.  i've been busy at the salon and also busy with Aquage preparing for a crazy fall show season.  we are so enjoying this time in our lives when we are not tied down with animals or kids to focus on our careers and our marriage!

on May 22nd, we celebrated Chris' 29th birthday in South Padre, TX!  we were there for an HFMA conference...but don't worry, the celebration continued through the weekend with our friends and family.  it was the never-ending birthday!

South Padre birthday cake

Italian wedding cake....yummm

June 12th was our 1st anniversary!  we were thrilled to actually be home!  Chris booked us dinner reservations at Loft 610, a new restaurant close to home, and we spent the morning at the farmer's market and the afternoon relaxing!  it was an amazing day!  the first year of marriage threw us a few curve balls, i.e. travels, layoffs, etc. but it's only made us stronger!  we now feel we can take on about anything!  :)

celebrating 1 year!

1 year ago...time flies!

within the last month, we've each taken business trips to Las Vegas for national meetings!  i got to go with Chris in June to the national HFMA conference but unfortunately he didn't get to travel with me to the Aquage national meeting this month.  we also celebrated the 4th of July this month at Lake Okoboji with family and friends!  it was a FABULOUS weekend and the fireworks over the lake were stunning!!!

with all of this crazy work stuff being said, i'll leave you with a verse i like to keep at the forefront:

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.  Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.  But if you do what is wrong, you will be paid back for the wrong you have done.  For God has no favorites.
Colossians 3: 23-25

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