Friday, February 8, 2013

my cup runneth over

i am just feeling so blessed these days!  i really don't have anything to complain about in my pregnancy, i have a more-than-supportive husband, so far we have a very healthy-and active-baby girl and God just keeps pouring on the blessings.  please allow me to rave for a quick moment about my amazing husband....  i'm telling you, folks, that this guy works SO hard.  not only does he spend countless hours on conference calls and writing emails, he holds the (volunteer/unpaid) position as president-elect of a business-realted organization out of Texas!  my husband is on a plane at least twice a month attending networking conferences and individual meetings which are a result of touching base with potential clients.  and at home, he is always picking up my slack when he sees i'm getting behind in any way or not feeling the best.  no one is more giving than this man.  and when it comes to our baby-he is always reading up on my pregnancy, how our first few days and weeks will look when she arrives and also how to be the best father he can be!  ok, ok i know-enough of that.  but seriously, sometimes i have a hard time enjoying life when i know that other's are struggling.  i won't deny that we've been through our share of difficult times but when all is going so well, my heart hurts for those who have it less easy-especially on these frigid winter days and nights!  my heart goes out to you if you're hurting.  but rest assured, God has better days in store for you too!

great reminder.

Our Job Is to Obey
by Charles R. Swindoll
Let all who take refuge in You be glad, 
let them ever sing for joy.
Psalm 5:11
As you walk the path of trust, you will experience situations that simply defy explanation. When you look back, after the fact, you could never have figured out a better plan. At the time it seemed strange, mysterious . . . even illogical.

Let me assure you, that's God working. Things will happen that seem to be totally contradictory, but these are God's arrangements.

It was a wonderful day when I finally realized I don't have to explain or defend the will of God. My job is simply to obey it.

It is a waste of time trying to unscrew the inscrutable workings of God. You'll never be able to do it. That's simply the way God works.

He honors faith and obedience. He will honor your faith if you will trust Him in a walk of obedience.

And when you trust Him completely, you will enjoy inner quietness and security. You will have a secure confidence that you are walking in His will.

You will be surrounded by His peace.