Tuesday, March 29, 2011


i've been blog surfing and cultivating new and fresh ideas for my blog.  this what happens when i travel with my husband for work.  i spend a bit too much time 'surfing' and get crazy ideas!  stay tuned for a blog makeover with the help of Masto Mama Designs!  i could never figure this out on my own so i'm seeking some professional guidance and i'm pretty excited about it.  and after this wonderful makeover, i'll be sure to post more often.  i've been so bad lately!

on another note: Chris and i are currently in Austin, catching a flight later this afternoon.  i'm about to head to Walton's Fancy and Staple, Sandra Bullock's restaurant!  sidebar: if i ever open a salon, the name will be a spin-off from this name because i've always loved it!

Monday, March 21, 2011

why go to church when hypocrites are there?

Excuse: People who go to church are a bunch of hypocrites!

Answer: Churchgoers pretend to be good for a few hours on Sunday morning but they are like everyone else the rest of the week. A common misunderstanding about church is that it should somehow make us better people. It is not the action of going to church, but the encounter with God and others that changes our lives for the better. Most people who go to church do not understand this and thus do not seek to have life changing experiences through worship and church activities.

Christians are humans who believe that Jesus is God and that He has made us acceptable to Himself by paying the penalty for our sins on the cross (Romans 6:23). Therefore, what makes Christians unique is not the outward appearance but what God has done on the inside by changing the soul and mind (2 Corinthians 5:17). Those who sincerely call upon Jesus to save them from their sins experience a spiritual birth that gradually transforms the mind and behavior conforming us to His will (John 1:12;Romans 12:1-2).

Christians can be seen to be hypocrites more easily than someone who does not profess any beliefs because Christian standards are defined in the Bible, whereas personal standards can be changed to fit circumstances or are unknown to others. The bottom line is that all humans are hypocrites because we all fail to consistently live up to any standards of behavior that are defined. The difference is that Jesus forgives the hypocrisy of believers and has sent His Holy Spirit to guide and transform those who know Him as Savior and confess Him as Lord (Romans 10:9-10).

*disclaimer:  these brilliant words are not my own.  i read them from a blog titled' "Created For His Glory" at createdforhisglory5.blogspot.com!  i wish i had come up with this but thought it was so great i had to share!  

Thursday, March 17, 2011


more of san antonio.

a few pictures from our trip to san antonio....in addition to where's waldo!

mom and dad standing on the bridge over the river

 having lunch on the riverwalk

dad, chris and i

mom and dad in front of the alamo

our turn for a pic!

while chris was in meetings, mom, dad and i went on a riverboat ride

dad went to take a picture with the elvis statue and afterwards he moved and scared us to death!  we thought he was fake but dad realized he was real as soon as he posed for the pic! :)

waiting for the longhorn to come down the street to begin the parade that kicks off the rodeo!  kinda scary that the only thing between us and them is that wimpy orange fencing.....

that white one stopped right in front of us and stared!  i grabbed my stuff and was ready to run!!

waiting for the bus that took us to the Spurs game!

on the way to the airport chris made us stop at the TPC san antonio golf course so he could check it out